Press releases

GRAMPET Group, the largest private railway holding with Romanian ownership in Central and South-Eastern Europe, announces changes in the management team of Train Hungary, company which operates in countries such as Hungary, Croatia, and Slovenia.

Train Hungary's shareholders decided to end their collaboration with Schubert Gyongyi, who held the position of Commercial Director, and Beres Barna, Operations Director, starting from June 2024, due to acts of unfair competition that have harmed GRAMPET.

This decision comes after the dismissal of Călin Grațian, who held the positions of Vice President of GRAMPET Group and CEO of Train Hungary. Călin Grațian was dismissed due to his involvement in attracting Russian investors from Transmasholding company in discussions regarding the acquisition of Popeci Utilaj Greu, thus creating unfair competition for the GRAMPET Group.

"Ensuring ethical and high-performance leadership has been a priority for GRAMPET Group for 25 years since we have been active in the the rail freight transport industry. I believe that a management team focused on achieving our strategic goals is the recipe for the success of GRAMPET Group, which is currently the largest group of private railway companies with Romanian ownership in Central and South-Eastern Europe, operating in 10 countries – Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Greece, Slovenia. Our mission is to maintain our leadership position, and the recent changes will help us keep our promise to partners and customers to offer them an integrated experience at the highest level of competence in all the countries where we present." – Gruia Stoica, President of GRAMPET Group.

The holding's management will address the competent institutions to identify the nature of the activities carried out by Schubert Gyongyi and Beres Barna, together with former CEO Călin Grațian.

Train Hungary was founded in 2005, in Debrecen, and currently has its headquarters in Budapest. Subsequently, the company expanded its activities to Croatia and Slovenia, offering a complete range of rail freight transport services.


GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român: EURORAIL LOGISTICS doo Serbia is operational

The first train transporting goods has used owned resources and Serbian personnel

Bucharest, November 21, 2018 – GRAMPET Group announces that EURORAIL LOGISTICS doo Serbia has become operational in the same year that the country has liberalized its rail freight transport market.

The first train transporting goods has crossed the route Subotica (at the Hungarian border) – Surcin (close to Belgrade). A new train transporting goods will be leaving from Surcin to the Romanian border, to be taken over by Grup Feroviar Român. The GRAMPET Group rail operators are thus closing a transports and goods exchange circle, which results into a stronger regional development through better connectivity.

“This is a first-of-a-kind transport, since we are delivering and connecting clients’ orders through more countries, especially Serbia, soon after the local market’s liberalization of freight rail transports. We are, actually, the first Romanian private operator currently operating in the neighboring country,” Gruia Stoica, Chairman of GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român, underlined. “As a result, we are consolidating our regional leading position and our international profile, GRAMPET Group being the first Romania multinational with presence in Hungary, Bulgaria, the Moldova Republic, Serbia, Slovacia, Croatia, Austria, Germany and, more recently, Greece, and with an expansion strategy in seven countries more.”

EURORAIL LOGISTICS doo Serbia is the youngest operator in the group and has acquired its internal and international rail freight transport license in 2013.

EURORAIL LOGISTCS doo Serbia, alongside sister rail companies GRAMPET CARGO AUSTRIA, TRAIN HUNGARY, TRAIN HUNGARY CROATIA, GRUP FEROVIAR ROMÂN, and BULGARIAN RAILWAY COMPANY service clients by providing complex logistics solutions managing a park of 20,000 wagons and 400 locomotives.

The experience and know-how of the Grup Feroviar Român team has been essential for the launch of the first Romanian private rail freight operator in Serbia.

“We have built this business step by step, because we entered on a new market, and we had to familiarize ourselves with the Serbian rail transports regulations,” said Adrian Andon, Exploitation Adviser. “Alongside our colleagues Claudia Peter (project manager GRAMPET Group), Bogdan Stegărescu (Commercial Adviser), Eng. George Stoica (Business Developer) – the Technical Team from Bucharest, and Mihaela Lasakovic (local representative), we have visited every train station from Vrsac to Belgrade, we have hired the first mechanics and technical wagon examiners, and we have provided them with Grup Feroviar Român operational working instructions. We now see the first results.”

The first train of EURORAIL LOGISTICS doo Serbia has transported goods using its own resources and Serbian personnel, and reporting a time of arrival lower than the local time average, as a result of its efficient fleet.

With a growing portfolio of clients, the company wants to hire over 100 people in 2019, especially mechanics, engineers, dispatchers and technical wagon examiners. The new employees will benefit from motivational salary packages, and professional training, as GRAMPET Group has a strict policy related to its staff continuous learning and consolidation of technical competencies.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and in Central and South Eastern Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors which connect Europe and Asia.

Its flagship company – Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR), is the biggest private railway transport operator in Romania, with a total market share of approximately 30%, and a strategic position in key industries such as Oil & Gas, Constructions or Agribusiness. Also, 20% of the GFR transports activities are international. The operator has agreements with sister-companies in the group, as well as with state-owned and private rail operators in Hungary, Bulgaria, Moldova Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, and Greece.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for 100% of the rolling stock repair market in Romania.

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience of services. In this respect, GRAMPET Group launched its e-client portal last year – a first in Romania, which is a tool for client relationship management throughout the entire process, from posting of orders to billing.

Further details are available on the official webpage –


Bucharest, June 3, 2022 – GRAMPET Group, the largest private railway group and logistics operator in Romania and Central and South-Eastern Europe, announced the first train organized on Middle Corridor, which crossed the China – Romania – Hungary route, with its operators covering the last section, respectively the Constanța – Budapest distance.

The transport, launched two weeks ago from Guiyang, left the Constanța Port for Budapest today.

The project, completed after intense months of logistical and commercial efforts, involved 6 countries (China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania and Hungary), the state operators in Asian countries and the GRAMPET Group, as member of the Middle Corridor – Trans-Caspian International Transport Route association (TITR).

Founded by the governments of China, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, TITR aims to develop a new multimodal transport corridor linking Asia to Europe. GRAMPET Group became the first European company to join TITR in September 2018. Subsequently, in June 2019, it signed a Memorandum of Understanding with NMSC Kazmortransflot LLP, the state naval operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to open a regular connection between the ports of Constanța and Batumi. The agreement between the two members of the Middle Corridor – Trans-Caspian International Transport Route was thus in line with the association’s goal of enhancing cooperation and intensifying the flow of goods along the route.

“Today we mark the culmination of efforts that began more than 4 years ago, by which we put Romania on the map of the largest infrastructure project in contemporary history,” Gruia Stoica, President and founder of GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român said. “Our joining TITR was a historic step both for us, as a regional leader of the rail freight industry, and also for Romania. I said then that this alliance could transform our country into a logistics platform for Europe and Asia, generating around 100,000 new jobs and more than 1 billion Euro in contributions to the state budget.”

The train left Guiyang with a load of 41 40ft containers (standard size equivalent to 12 meters long and 2.4 meters wide) and covered the route China – Kazakhstan – Caspian Sea – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Black Sea – Romania – Hungary. GRAMPET Group organizes the railway transport on the Constanța – Bucharest – Craiova – Timișoara – Curtici – Budapest segment, through its operators Grup Feroviar Român and Train Hungary.

Sorin Chinde, Vice President of the Transport Division within the GRAMPET Group, added: “We intend to introduce a regular container traffic from China that will transit Romania to Western Europe. We are currently focusing on the first test transports and solving logistical issues, such as the transit time on the Constanța – Curtici route, and the waiting time in the Curtici customs before crossing the border. The solutions we have at the moment will help us cover the Constanța – Budapest distance in 48 hours.”

The Middle Corridor activation through the Constanța Port was one of the strategic objectives set by the GRAMPET Group when joining the TITR. The pandemic had temporarily blocked this project, but the current geopolitical and economic context, which is reshaping global distribution chains, has forced a rapid return and launch.

Gruia Stoica emphasizes: “The GRAMPET Group will continue to invest in this strategic route connecting Europe to China. We maintain our commitment to our partners in the TITR Association, but also to our business and logistics partners. It should be emphasized that the project can have a major economic potential for Romania and that it may drive the development of intermodal traffic both in the country, and in the region. In the current economic and geopolitical context, the Middle Corridor is a priority that I hope Romania will make the most of.”

About GRAMPET Group

Established more than 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers. GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market.

In parallel, the group carries out an intense activity of research and development of technical solutions meant to offer clients a transparent and real-time experience of services to which they have access. Thus, the GRAMPET Group launched an e-client portal for the first time in Romania, which facilitates the management of relations with client companies, from placing an order to invoicing.

Its subsidiary Roserv Oil, which took over the industrial platform of the RAFO Onești refinery in the summer of 2020, focuses on the national development of logistics terminals both on the container side and warehouses for petroleum products.


Next year, the operator plans to enter the Polish market and continue investing in green projects

Bucharest, December 16, 2021 – GRAMPET Group, the largest railway group and private logistics operator in Romania and South-Eastern Europe, concludes a year of consolidation at regional level, in which the focus has been on investments in energy efficiency, innovation and sustainability projects.

“2021 was an important, going-back-to-normal year, which confirmed the path for growth in the years to come. Designated the European Year of Rail, 2021 coincided with the 20th anniversary of our flagship company, Grup Feroviar Român. At the same time, it is the year we first became the number 1 freight railway operator in Romania, with the largest local market share,” says Gruia Stoica, President of GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român.

Despite the structural challenges in the industry and the ongoing health crisis, the Group completed its investment plan set up at the beginning of the year (over RON 78 million, the equivalent of approximately EUR 16 million). The investment programs will continue next year, with a slightly higher allocated budget (RON 80 million).

The most important project at local level was the completion of the first train built entirely by Electroputere VFU Pașcani, which thus makes its debut on the new railway vehicle constructions segment. The train is already under process of being EC certified. In numbers, the project is the result of 7 years of work by a team exceeding 180 Romanian specialists, with 60% of its necessary equipment being provided by Romanian manufacturers; so far, the producer has successfully tested over 95,000 parameters in Romania. Once certified, the train could enter passenger transport circuit in the country and abroad, in the first part of 2022.

“2021 was also a year of consolidation at regional level,” Gruia Stoica continues. “In February, we entered the Slovenian market by launching operations of Train Hungary – Ljublijana Branch. At the same time, we kicked off an EUR 14-million investment program for the modernization and refurbishment of the Debrecen Vagongyár plant in Hungary. A few days ago, we signed a preliminary contract for the acquisition of a company in Ganz, Austria, where we are already present in the logistics segment, through Grampetcargo Austria. In addition, we hope that next year we will begin operations in Poland, which is one of the largest and most competitive market in Central and Eastern Europe. We have already reached an agreement for taking over a company in this country.”

Operating in ten European countries, the international division of GRAMPET Group generates approximately 30% of its annual turnover, and growth prospects are very good in the long run.

GRAMPET Group is the first 100% Romanian multinational, having expanded in Bulgaria (2004), Hungary (2005), Moldova Republic and Germany (2010), Austria and Slovakia (2012), Croatia (2016), Serbia (2018), Greece (2019), and Slovenia (2021). As global supply chains reconfigure and Europe designs huge infrastructure plans, the Group remains keen to expand further in the region, in countries like Macedonia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

At the same time, the GRAMPET Group has accelerated projects aimed at improving its companies’ energy efficiency and reducing its environmental footprint.

“Rail transport produces the lowest percentage of greenhouse gas emissions due to the high degree of electrification (1.6% vs. 73% in the case of road transport). It is, therefore, the most sustainable means of transport and, not by chance, the central pillar of the European Union’s vision for a green future,” Gruia Stoica underlines. “However, we can further reduce the environmental impact of rail transport. We are actively looking into this and dedicate significant resources to identify effective and sustainable solutions.”

The latest investments in this area include:

  • An extensive green project carried out on the RAFO Onești platform, where member company Roserv Green Energy will develop a photovoltaic park spread over 200 hectares, a bioethanol plant (a 100% bio and renewable energy source), a lithium-ion batteries plant and a facility for the production of green hydrogen.
  • Testing of a 100% non-polluting locomotive with batteries produced by Reloc Craiova. Depending on its operating behavior, GFR could decide to use this type of locomotive for shunting activities on a large scale.
  • An investment program for the repowering of 1,250 HP diesel-hydraulic shunting locomotives, both according to a concept fully developed by GFR but also according to one developed by Reloc Craiova.
  • Renewal of the GFR fleet with 1,200 high-capacity (85 m3) Zacs tank wagons, which comply with the Technical Interoperability Regulation. These wagons, whose total value exceeds EUR 100 million, are built by Reva Simeria, part of the GRAMPET Group.
  • Continuation of the digitization process, through the development and implementation of revolutionary solutions for the railway transport industry in Romania and in South-Eastern Europe. This year, the digital division of the Group launched ETA Expert (the first digital service providing real time estimations of trains’ arrival at destination) and TRASA Expert (an information system aimed at improving the design of ideal train paths and the capacity allocated to freight trains).

Bucharest, November 22, 2021 – Grup Feroviar Român (GFR), leader on the rail freight market, aims to recruit 150 young people nationwide, including 15 engineers, by the end of the year. Once they join the GFR team, they will be integrated into an extensive process of professional training and planning, in line with the strategic approach by which the company prepares its long-term workforce.

“In 20 years of GFR’s activity, we have not seen a real strategy for cultivating and growing human resources in Romania,” says Gruia Stoica, President and founder of the GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman. “The consequence is that we, operators, are faced with fierce competition for a shrinking and aging workforce, and this factor of unpredictability endangers the sustainability of the business. The difference that Grup Feroviar Român makes is to offer employees not only a well-paid job, but the chance to build a career. Through everything we do – clear and transparent rules for recruitment and professional growth, partnerships at institutional level, organization of specialized courses and training or internship programs – we have set an important direction in the industry, and today the “GFR school” is already acknowledged nationwide.”

In recent years, Grup Feroviar Român has outlined a set of regulations related to employment and professional development within the organization, from junior positions (such as, for example, that of maneuvering rolling stock), to management positions.

Amedeo Neculcea, Deputy General Manager, adds: “Ten years ago, the GFR management understood that the company’s evolution should no longer depend so much on external recruitment and that we must build our own mechanisms for cultivation and professional growth. Then we outlined the main career paths for graduates of profile faculties (especially Transport Engineering) and we implemented internal procedures meant to encourage and facilitate the transition from one professional milestone to another. We have established and assumed the landmarks of a solid and fair professional evolution, so that every private can aspire to a Field Marshal’s wand.”

Internally, GFR has redesigned and digitized processes, building an optimal architecture for current needs, as well as a special training framework for young engineers in the field of railway operation, through direct collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. This October, GFR finalized an internal guide of minimum conditions regarding the professional training and the competencies that must be fulfilled by candidates for integration into territorial structures.

The guide will be used in the recruitment process carried out at this year’s edition of the Railway Career Fair in Romania, organized in online format on November 23-25.

“Our industry is constantly dynamic, and the pandemic has increased the challenges we face with human resources. This is a strategic industry, but at the same time a complex and difficult one, not very appealing to the young generations,” admits Cristian Rădulescu, general manager of GFR. “We, those who love this profession, are directly involved in communicating with high school and university students, hoping to at least inspire their curiosity to consider a career in the field. It is an enormous satisfaction when you see how those young people who have accepted the challenge evolve year after year, and finally end up taking leadership roles within the structures of our company.”

Today, an important part of GFR’s middle and top management team is made up of professionals who experienced in-house steady growth since their employment with GFR.

The latest promotions concern two engineers who joined the company 10 years ago, immediately after college graduation. From the position of logistician (the first professional step in the field) in the Train Service Personnel Command (CPDT), part of the Operations Department, the two have grown steadily from year to year, taking over key positions in 2021.

(CPDT is a subdivision in the Operation Department, along with Traffic, Movement, Locomotive Operation and Wagon Operation, and has a critical role in the current context of acute crisis of operative railway personnel).

  • Thus, Adrian Dolțu, 36 years old, became CPDT manager. From this role, he coordinates a complex team of 37 employees responsible of planning and providing train mechanics and train managers so that trains can run without interruption, in line with imposed safety and restriction conditions.
  • In his turn, Radu Cobianu, 34 years old, was promoted to Head of the Dispatch Office, having the responsibility to manage the entire operational activity and a team of 14 people during the 12 hours allocated to a work shift. The shift leader coordinates the entire operation process, which in turn consists of multiple processes and sub-processes coordinated by specialists from different industries (locomotives, wagons, movement, traffic, shunting, etc).

Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is a leader on the local rail freight market. Currently, over 20% of GFR’s traffic is international, offering clients complex logistics solutions. GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has partnership agreements both with state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators in Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany. The operator has over 5,000 employees.


The system is unique in Romania and Southeast Europe, being fully developed by an internal team of GFR engineers.

Bucharest, May 17, 2021 – For the first time in Romanian and South-Eastern European railway industry, Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR) has developed and implemented a digital service that provides real-time estimates about trains and wagons’ arrival at the destination or at certain train stations along the way.

The proposed solution responds to a real need of rail freight operators, as the industry’s main competitor – road transportation, already has access to numerous such solutions, thus giving it an important competitive advantage.

“The ability to estimate the time of arrival has become commonplace for road transport, because today we all have access to many applications developed by some of the largest software companies in the world. In railway, the development of such a platform is much more complex, given the characteristics of this type of transport,” explains Amedeo Neculcea, Deputy General Manager of Grup Feroviar Român and coordinator of this project.

For example, a wagon can be attached to several different trains during a single transport, so the descriptive parameters of its movement must be monitored and determined throughout the entire way, from the moment the shipment is entrusted for transport. Also, the rail network is not as dense as the road network to always allow similar alternative routes, in case of unforeseen or scheduled traffic restrictions. At the same time, operators must always pay attention to limitations of transport capacity and adapt accordingly. The condition of railway infrastructure, which directly influences and affects operators’ activity, cannot be neglected either.

“Until now, the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) took into account a number of ideal parameters, and the dispatcher’s experience and knowhow. Often these estimates proved vague and difficult to make. But ETA is key in the decision-making process regarding scheduling and circulation of any freight transport, and thus requires precision of calculation and accessibility,” explains Neculcea.

The estimation system uses GFR traffic data from the last 5 years. The generated information is based on established statistical mathematics methods and the previous experience of the GFR operator expressed in digitized, properly organized information.

“The ETA Expert solution is unique in Southeast Europe, because no other operator offers such a service to customers. However, our effort did not aim at a competitive gain on the railway segment, but – much more importantly – at recovering a gap we have as an industry against road transporters,” says Gruia Stoica, President and founder of GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman. “We have repeatedly said that, from many points of view, road transporters in Romania benefits from unfair competitive advantages and preferential treatment to the detriment of rail operators, despite obvious disadvantages that such a strategy has in the long run.”

While public debate is monopolized by investment projects in road infrastructure, the Romanian railway has suffered years and years of underfunding. This has had an immediate impact on the speed of transport, which in some areas has dropped to 17 kilometers per hour. At the same time, access to the railway network involves a very high cost for carriers, compared to similar costs for competitors on road infrastructure. Security risks should also not be dismissed, since they increase proportionately with the quantity of transported goods; neither the gap between available labour force and associated costs should be neglected, given the high level of training and experience that a train mechanic must have.

“We speak very little about the fact that rail transport, due to the very high degree of electrification, is the most efficient and sustainable mode of transport in the world,” Gruia Stoica continues. “At the same time, its ability to take over a large part of the volume of goods transiting a country generates multiple benefits. As a counter-example, ten million tones taken from the railway mean an additional 1 million lorries on motorways, leading to accelerated deterioration of the existing infrastructure, an increased number of accidents and a slower speed of freight rotation. The Green Deal strategy launched by the European Union places an important emphasis on the railway industry, because it is a real solution for efforts aimed at protecting the environment. We hope that Bucharest authorities will align to this vision, starting with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan that is currently being discussed in Brussels. As a private operator, we will continue to innovate and invest in digital projects that make a difference for our customers.”

ETA Expert is the latest project in a large process of digitization and transparency launched by GFR in 2005. The operator has developed and implemented so far over 20 digital applications, some of which are available through the GFR E-Client portal, including the Electronic Consignment Letter, which provides access to technical data on loading wagons and assistance in drawing up transport contracts (2017) and Railway Orders (2012) which ensures customers’ web access to the process of ordering and insuring empty wagons.

Engineers in GFR’s internal team continue to work on new apps or modules designed to simplify and streamline operational and commercial activities.

The ETA Expert application will be available to GFR customers who use the Electronic Consignment Note starting May 17.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transshipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers. GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market.

In parallel, the group carries out an intense activity of research and development of technical solutions meant to offer clients a transparent and real-time experience of services to which they have access. Thus, the GRAMPET Group launched an e-client portal for the first time in Romania, which facilitates the management of relations with client companies, from placing an order to invoicing.

Its subsidiary Roserv Oil, which took over the industrial platform of the RAFO Onești refinery in the summer of 2020, focuses on the national development of logistics terminals both on the container side and warehouses for petroleum products.


The first transport was carried out earlier this year, using its own resources and Slovenian manpower

Bucharest, February 25, 2021 – GRAMPET Group announces the launch of Train Hungary – Ljublijana Branch operations in Slovenia, thus expanding its rail freight activity to ten countries in the region.

“The expansion in Slovenia is part of the strategy to streamline and interconnect the services we provide to our international customers. Our operators are present with transport licenses / safety certificates in eight European networks and thus achieve a complete circuit of freight exchanges, which results into a stronger regional interoperability given better connectivity,” says Gruia Stoica, President of GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman. “The first weeks of operations in Slovenia have generated very good results, in line with the projections of our entire international freight activity of the GRAMPET Group.”

The division, which includes operators GRUP FEROVIAR ROMAN, TRAIN HUNGARY Budapest, TRAIN HUNGARY – Zagreb Branch, BULGARIAN RAILWAY COMPANY, EURORAIL LOGISTCS doo Serbia, GRAMPET CARGO AUSTRIA and TRAIN HUNGARY – Ljublijana Branch, provides logistics solutions through a fleet of 20,000 wagons and 400 locomotives.

“Overall, these operators generate a significant part of our annual turnover, the most important results being produced in Hungary, Croatia and Bulgaria, where we keep growing steadily, from year to year,” continues Gruia Stoica. „The experience and know-how that the GRAMPET – Grup Feroviar Roman team exported into each of these countries has proved to be essential for consolidating our presence on the European rail freight market. Over time, we have diversified our presence and services provided to customers, expanding our activity to other areas the GRAMPET brand is established in, thus becoming a high-profile foreign investor in countries around the region.”

In 2013 the group took over the Hungarian Debreceni Vagongyár factory, a leader with tradition in the European rolling stock repair market. Recently, GRAMPET announced the acquisition of the 28-hectare land on which the Debrecen Vagongyár factory in Hungary is located, for EUR 6.5 million. The investment is part of the ambitious EUR 14 million that the GRAMPET Group will invest over the next 5 years for the facility development.

“All these operations are profitable and increase their contribution to the group’s consolidated results every year. For us, this success is a clear proof that Romanian entrepreneurs can compete on an equal footing alongside leaders of their specific industries, on international markets. We are optimistic that there are important opportunities for regional consolidation and growth in the coming years, on the background of major infrastructure projects announced at European level and the global post-pandemic recalibration of supply chains. Our financial objective is to increase the international division’s contribution to 30% of the annual turnover over the next five years, by consolidating our existing activities and also by entering new markets.”

GRAMPET Group is the largest railway group and private logistics operator in Romania and Central and South-Eastern Europe, employing some 7,000 people. Founded more than 20 years ago, it became the first multinational with Romanian capital, expanding in turn in Bulgaria (2004), Hungary (2005), the Moldova Republic and Germany (2010), Austria and Slovakia (2012), Croatia (2016), Serbia (2018), and Greece (2019). It is currently analyzing expansion to six other European markets – Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

In the summer of 2019, an international jury nominated the GRAMPET Group as Regional Champion of the Year at the Emerging Europe Awards hosted by the London headquarters of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The award covered all industries in 23 emerging countries.

The unique challenges that came with 2020 have successfully tested the structure of integrated services and strategic infrastructure that the Romanian brand has developed at regional level, marking new performances for the GRAMPET brand, namely:

  • Grup Feroviar Roman received the first Single Safety Certificate from the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) allowing it to operate in two countries, namely Romania and Greece. This was the first single safety certificate in the European Union granted for more than one country.
  • Electroputere VFU Pașcani reached the final stages of testing its first produced train, which will enter the local and international market in the first part of this year.
  • Roserv Oil took over the industrial platform of RAFO Onești refinery with an objective to develop the largest logistics center in Moldova area, which could generate up to 600 jobs.
  • Assologistica (a representative association for the logistics industry in Italy) and the profile publication Euromerci acknowledged the GRAMPET Group for Innovation in Business Internationalization with the “Logistics’ Group of the Year” award.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers. GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market.

In parallel, the group carries out an intense activity of research and development of technical solutions meant to offer clients a transparent and real-time experience of services to which they have access. Thus, the GRAMPET Group launched an e-client portal for the first time in Romania, which facilitates the management of relations with client companies, from placing an order to invoicing.

Its subsidiary Roserv Oil, which took over the industrial platform of the RAFO Onești refinery in the summer of 2020, focuses on the national development of logistics terminals both on the container side and warehouses for petroleum products.


The operator has acquired the 28-hectares plot of land on which Debrecen Vagongyár is located

Bucharest, February 16, 2021 – GRAMPET Group, the largest railway group and private logistics operator in Romania and Central and South-Eastern Europe, announced the acquisition of the 28-hectare land on which the Debrecen Vagongyár factory in Hungary is located, for EUR 6.5 million. The investment is part of the ambitious EUR 14 million that the GRAMPET Group wants to invest over the next 5 years for the development of the plant.

“This year we celebrate 12 years since Debrecen Vagongyár joined the Romanian brand GRAMPET,” says Gruia Stoica, President and founder of the group. “We took over a leader with a tradition in the European rolling stock repair market, with the objective to grow it further, thus consolidating the Hungarian reputation in the field. During this time, the division in the neighboring country has doubled its turnover and became profitable. Today, our activities in Hungary (the rail freight operator Train Hungary in Budapest and the wagon factory in Debrecen) contribute almost 11.2% to the turnover we report annually at group level”.

In addition to being the leader in the Hungarian tank wagon repair and maintenance market for the transport of gas and petroleum products, over 70% of GRAMPET Debreceni Vagongyár’s turnover is currently generated by contracts with partners in Western Europe. Every year, the plant carries out general overhaul, modernization and repair activities for almost 2,000 wagons. The plant employs about 400 people, and medium-term investment plans could create another 100 new jobs.

“Looking back, I realize how important the decision to enter the Hungarian market was in 2005, when we founded the rail freight operator Train Hungary”, continues Gruia Stoica. “Four years later we took over the wagon factory in Debrecen. The fact that we have now been able to purchase the land on which the factory is located shows the appreciation we enjoy as a foreign investor in the neighboring country. The Hungarian authorities have shown their support from the beginning and have invited us as partners in important projects. For example, in 2019 the Hungarian government won a EUR 1.2 billion tender in Egypt, and GRAMPET Debrecen was invited to participate in the project. This openness helps us make new long-term growth commitments. We are optimistic about the future of our division in Hungary and estimate that the new investment projects can generate a 20% growth in sales and a similar increase in the number of employees, which equates to a strengthening of our presence in both the neighboring market and also on the specific European market”.

GRAMPET Group’s international success and the strategic role it plays in the region have attracted the interest of large global investors.

“The market is currently aligning to the new post-pandemic economic paradigm, and the consolidation trend is accentuated in many industries,” continues Gruia Stoica. “For the Romanian entrepreneurs that have already had the vision to take their business abroad, this moment is a huge opportunity for consolidation. Beyond the economic and reputational contribution that our international divisions generate for Romania, we bring and implement locally the experience of more advanced markets, while imposing good practices and international standards to which any strategic industry must align to.”

GRAMPET Group is the largest railway group and private logistics operator in Romania and Central and South-Eastern Europe, employing some 7,000 people. Founded more than 20 years ago, it became the first multinational with Romanian capital, expanding in turn in Bulgaria (2004), Hungary (2005), the Moldova Republic and Germany (2010), Austria and Slovakia (2012), Croatia (2016), Serbia (2018), and Greece (2019). It is currently analyzing expansion to six other European markets – Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

In the summer of 2019, an international jury nominated the GRAMPET Group as Regional Champion of the Year at the Emerging Europe Awards hosted by the London headquarters of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The award covered all industries in 23 emerging countries.

The unique challenges that came with 2020 have successfully tested the structure of integrated services and strategic infrastructure that the Romanian brand has developed at regional level, marking new performances for the GRAMPET brand, namely:

  • Grup Feroviar Roman received the first Single Safety Certificate from the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) allowing it to operate in two countries, namely Romania and Greece. This was the first single safety certificate in the European Union granted for more than one country.
  • Electroputere VFU Pașcani reached the final stages of testing its first produced train, which will enter the local and international market in the first part of this year.
  • Roserv Oil took over the industrial platform of RAFO Onești refinery with an objective to develop the largest logistics center in Moldova area, which could generate up to 600 jobs.

Assologistica (a representative association for the logistics industry in Italy) and the profile publication Euromerci acknowledged the GRAMPET Group for Innovation in Business Internationalization with the “Logistics’ Group of the Year” award.


Financial estimates show that most of the losses caused by the pandemic in the first part of the year have been recovered

Bucharest, January 19, 2021 – 2020 came with unique economic challenges for the GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român (GFR), the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Central and South Eastern Europe, but its structure of integrated services and strategic infrastructure developed at regional level has favoured a rapid recovery in the second half of the year.

“For us, 2020 was a test year confirming what we have built over the last 20 years – a multinational company with a strategic infrastructure for the entire economy,” says Gruia Stoica, President and founder of the GRAMPET Group. “We are getting more and more signals that the GRAMPET Group is attracting the attention of large investors and interest groups in the global industry, at a time when the market is aligning with the new economic paradigm and the consolidation trend in the transport industries is accelerating. This international validation honors us, especially since it comes against the background of a lawsuit that is unjustly causing us harm at home. It is unfortunate that we are seeing such treatment of an entrepreneur who, beyond the economic and social responsibility he has assumed, takes Romania’s name abroad. Still, we keep our commitment to continue building in Romania, for Romania. We are aware that the economic contribution of our companies is a substantial one, and that any imbalance may pose a systemic risk for the transports industry and also for the economy as a whole.”

GRAMPET Group is the largest railway group and private logistics operator in Romania and South-Eastern Europe, employing some 7,000 people. Founded more than 20 years ago, it became the first multinational with Romanian capital, expanding in turn in Bulgaria (2004), Hungary (2005), the Republic of Moldova and Germany (2010), Austria and Slovakia (2012), Croatia (2016), Serbia (2018), and Greece (2019). It is currently considering expanding to six other European markets – Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Belgium, and the Netherlands (map attached).

It is the first European company to have joined the Middle Corridor Association – Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, part of the New Silk Road project, making a firm commitment to this strategic alliance that creates a new route between China and the European Union.

In the summer of 2019, an international jury nominated the GRAMPET Group as Regional Champion of the Year at the Emerging Europe Awards hosted by the London headquarters of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The award covered all industries in 23 emerging countries.

A retrospective of the GRAMPET Group in 2020

Financial estimates for 2020, a year marked by the economic consequences of the pandemic, rely on a slightly increasing turnover at about 285 million Euros (compared to 281 million Euros last year), respectively a net profit decreasing to about 7.3 million (compared to 11 million in 2019). The results also reflect the impact of a growing investment budget (Euro 23.2 million compared to Euro 21.3 million in 2019).

The year was marked by notable performances for the companies in the group:

  • In April, Grup Feroviar Roman received the first Single Safety Certificate from the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) allowing it to operate in two countries, namely Romania and Greece. This was the first single safety certificate in the European Union granted for more than one country.
  • In June, the prototype of the first train produced by Electroputere VFU Pașcani came out of the factory in a new look, wearing traditional Romanian motifs to celebrate the National Day of the Romania Ia. The train is already in the final stages of testing and will enter the local and international market in the first part of this year.
  • In July, Roserv Oil took over the industrial platform of RAFO Onești refinery with an objective to develop the largest logistics center in Moldova area, which could generate up to 600 jobs.
  • At the same time, GRAMPET Group consolidated its division in Hungary, where it completed the acquisition of the land on which the Debrecen Vagongyár plant is built, while also preparing important investments for the modernization and refurbishment of the plant.
  • At the end of 2020, Assologistica (a representative association for the logistics industry in Italy) and the profile publication Euromerci acknowledged the GRAMPET Group for Innovation in Business Internationalization with the “Logistics’ Group of the Year” award (details here).
  • The comprehensive digitalization process at group level has advanced considerably in 2020, being accelerated by the pandemic. Currently, companies in the group are using almost 20 internally-developed digital solutions. Another 18 such projects are under development.
  • Separately, the team of the Polisano Pharmaceuticals drug factory in Sibiu is getting close to launching its first solid oncology drug – a very important step for the entire Romanian pharmaceutical industry.

2020 has also doubled its social responsibility efforts to support, on one hand, national efforts to fight the Coronavirus pandemic and, on other hand, the traditional work of the TOFLEA and GRAMPET Foundations.

  • In May, the GRAMPET Group started a national campaign donating a state-of-the-art testing device and 1,000 tests each to Public Health Directorates in centers where the group operates – Deva, Craiova, Iași, Constanța, Galați, Ploiești, Timișoara, Bucharest, and Debrecen – Hungary. Two such COVID-19 testing devices were donated to the Victor Gomoiu Children’s Clinical Hospital and to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Prof. Dr. Matei Balș in Bucharest. At the same time, member companies with GRAMPET Group have donated 9,000 protective masks to the National Museum of Art and the Bucharest Ambulance Service, and other thousands of protective masks in the cities where the group operates.

In parallel, the TOFLEA Foundation has continued the educational and social projects that improve the lives of tens of thousands of people in disadvantaged categories from Galati County.

  • In addition to the 300 scholarships it awards each year, the Foundation is currently running two projects funded through the Human Capital Operational Program (POCU). Thus, the project Integrated Measures for Reducing School Dropout aims to reintegrate 590 people in the education system, as well as improving the skills for 80 teachers in Toflea, Brăhășești and Gohor. Separately, the project Inclusion and development through social economy, developed together with Euzone Consultancy Network SRL and the Center for Nonprofit Legislation Association, supports the social and economic integration of people from vulnerable categories by supporting the establishment of social enterprises.

In its turn, the GRAMPET Foundation carried out several support actions for employees of companies in the group, supporting social cases, medical cases and talented children who practice professional sports.

About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.

About the TOFLEA Foundation

Toflea Foundation is a non-governmental, apolitical and non-profit organization, established in 2004. It is fully funded by the GRAMPET Group, the annual budget for the programs being approximately one million RON. The foundation was initially created to support the citizens of Toflea locality (Brăhăşeşti commune, Galati county), which has a predominantly Roma population (around 8,000 people). The main target segment is that of young people, the aim being to promote education as a means to change the community. After 16 years of activity, the Foundation counts a total of 2,000 direct beneficiaries, students and high school students from Roma and other nationalities, from disadvantaged backgrounds. The scholarship program is one of the most effective programs for the Roma community in Romania, generating recognition at national and European level. The children from Toflea have graduated from prestigious universities such as the University of Bucharest, Alexandru Ioan Cuza – Iași, Babeș – Bolyai – Cluj, Dunărea de Jos University – Galați, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy – Bucharest, Sorbonne, University College Birmingham – Business Management and Affairs or Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne – Switzerland. Graduates now have careers as engineers, lawyers, doctors or financiers in Romania or in other countries such as Russia, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, France.

About the GRAMPET Foundation

GRAMPET Foundation is a non-governmental, independent, private non-profit legal entity that has been operating since 2009. The main objective is to select and promote young people with skills, and train them in areas like rail transport, production and repair of rolling stock, as well as tourism. Part of the Foundation’s objectives is to support the employees of the GRAMPET Group companies, encourage cultural, scientific, educational, charitable and social assistance activities, and the development of social projects. The funds of the GRAMPET Foundation come from donations and sponsorships from individuals, the vast majority being the redistribution of 2% of income tax.


The operator has implemented 20 IT solutions and is currently working on other 18 apps

Bucharest, November 5, 2020 – The GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR), the largest railway group and private logistics operator in Romania and South-Eastern Europe, intensifies its activity of developing IT solutions and announces new applications, as the Coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the digitalization trend in most industries.

“Competitiveness in a company (and, implicitly, in an economy) is today closely linked to its level of digitalization, and this year’s health and economic crisis has once again confirmed it,” says Gruia Stoica, President and founder of the GRAMPET Group. “This is what we anticipated from the beginning, as we have constantly been investing time and resources into the development of innovative solutions to optimize our business. Given the huge need and opportunities in technology, GFR has started to develop its own software capabilities. The Institute of Computing Technology (ITC), part of the GRAMPET Group since 2008, has also an important contribution. In recent years, we have implemented almost 20 digital solutions, most of them being available for the first time on the Romanian market, which played a significant role in simplifying and streamlining our operational and commercial activities.”

For example, the Shunting Expert application developed by Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) and launched two years ago, is currently used or is under implementation by all major refineries in Romania. However, the growing shortage of qualified staff as well as the health crisis have slowed down the implementation process of this new technology. The app provides a real time data system for monitoring and controlling the geographical position of wagons operated on huge refinery-specific infrastructures, as well as their commercial and technical status.

The application facilitates and helps the coordinator handling operations to make the most appropriate decisions. Data accuracy generates important operational benefits, improving decision-making processes and use of resources, while also compensating for staff shortages whenever necessary.

“The quality of decisions in railway operations is essentially based on the quality of available information, such as the railway line for the wagon to be handled, the wagon’s position on railway line, its condition, the room for manoeuvre depending on the line loading status,” Amedeo Neculcea, deputy general manager at Grup Feroviar Roman, explains. “Basically, the Shunting Expert application responds to the following challenge: how can we constantly have total control over the position and status of some 1,000 wagons, on a railway platform spanning tens of hectares and 30 km of railway lines, with the least amount of effort and considering that wagons belong to several operators, are of different types and have multiple statuses.”

The latest IT solution implemented by GFR this July is Perform.Expert.

“The concept behind is based on a new performance indicator for the Operations department, which is measured in real time and updated every five minutes (Daily Operational Routes), using the network-wide rail traffic data transmitted by CFR SA,” explains Amedeo Neculcea. “During the trial period (July – September 2020), the commercial speed of transported commodities increased by 15%. Moreover, this September we overpassed the speed record for the past 10 years (since we have this type of data available).”

Another application that will be launched next year collects real time data from most existing applications (information about trains, wagons, locomotives, train service staff, traffic schedule, etc.), and provides decision makers with general information and the option to focus on details regarding the ongoing and planned operation process.

At the same time, all major players in the Oil Products industry are currently using the Electronic Consignment Note, which has replaced approximately 90% of GFR’s hardcopy transport contracts by moving online the entire activity performed for partners and customers, such as online editing, management and tracking.

GFR manages more than 7,000 transports each month and issues the same number of consignment notes, over 2,800 from the total number being issued locally. In the traditional paper-format version, the issuing of consignment notes used significant resources (12 pages printed for each shipment, manual filling in of forms printed on atypical printers, which required higher costs than normal printers). Transferring these operations into a computer-based system has greatly reduced the environmental impact, but also the risk of human errors and delays.

At the same time, the Command of Train Service Personnel (CPDT) application is an excellent tool GFR uses to ensure adequate operational human resources needed for the uninterrupted movement of trains. This application is almost 10 years old and it also serves as a training platform for young engineers who have the opportunity to practice train scheduling, network geography and decision-making.

In addition to the solutions developed for the railway freight transport activity, the GRAMPET Group has a strategic objective to increase the digitization rate at organizational level, in all its activity areas. Currently, the group is carrying out an extensive process of analysis and internal diagnosis to identify other areas of activity that can be streamlined through digitization, robotization and artificial intelligence solutions. Last but not least, the team of specialists is working on solutions adapted to prevent cyber security breaches, a growing threat in recent years.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers. GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market.

In parallel, the group carries out an intense activity of research and development of technical solutions meant to offer clients a transparent and real-time experience of services to which they have access. Thus, the GRAMPET Group launched an e-client portal for the first time in Romania, which facilitates the management of relations with client companies, from placing an order to invoicing.

Its subsidiary Roserv Oil, which took over the industrial platform of the RAFO Onești refinery in the summer of 2020, focuses on the national development of logistics terminals both on the container side and warehouses for petroleum products.


Bucharest, October 16, 2020 – GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român (GFR), the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and in Central and South Eastern Europe, welcomes the Rail-2-Sea project as very auspicious and expects it to increase Constanța harbour business opportunities and attractiveness for the European and Central European countries.

“As global supply chains are being reconfigured, we are already talking about new transport corridors, and Rail-2-Sea project, which has recently been announced by His Excellency Adrian Zuckerman, US Ambassador to Bucharest, creates many opportunities with an enormous potential for Romania,” said Gruia Stoica, President of the GRAMPET Group.

GRAMPET Group officials consider that the railway and road infrastructure modernization connecting the Gdansk and Constanța harbours and, implicitly, the southern borders of Romania, will lead to the development of a new transit corridor for Scandinavian goods headed for Southern Europe/ Turkey and the Middle East.

“Another important aspect is that this modernization will increase the attractiveness of Constanța harbour compared to those at the North Sea, respectively the Adriatic, for customers from Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, the Czech Republic, and southern Poland,” added Sorin Chinde, Vice President of the Transports Department with the Group.

In the current epidemiological and economic context, the operator is gradually returning to the pre-pandemic operational levels and is aligning its strategy to the recent months’ changes.

“For our freight transport division, the first 6 months of the year resulted into a 12% decrease in volume of activity and, as a consequence, a similar decrease in turnover compared to 2019,” says Sorin Chinde. “The traffic has slightly improved in the third quarter however it was noticed a significant decrease in one of the most important segments of goods, the cereals. Our estimations for transport volumes and 2021 turnover are similar to the current year. We may say that this industry and that segment of the economy using rail transportation have learned to live with this virus.”

At the same time, the consolidation strategy at European level is delayed by the travel restrictions imposed during this period.

“Even after 8 months of pandemic, our internal analyses confirm that the decision to expand to other European countries, namely Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Belgium, and the Netherlands, is still sound, and this gives us confidence to continue,” Gruia Stoica concludes.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva    Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.


Bucharest, July 3, 2019 – Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR) announces the issuance of the first electronic consignment notes for the OMV Petrom railway transports, thus extending this service to all major players in the Oil Products industry.

GFR is the only Romanian company and one of the few operators in South-Eastern Europe to have implemented this service, as part of an extensive digitalization project. So far, the Electronic Consigment Note (STE) solution has replaced about 70% of local traffic transport contracts in paper format, with visible benefits in terms of efficiency, transparency and environmental impact.

“The STE application is an online editing, management and tracking tool of transports we do for our partners and customers,” Amedeo Neculcea, deputy general manager of the Grup Feroviar Roman and coordinator of this project, said. “The E-CLIENT GFR platform that STE is part of provides efficient, real-time communication between GFR and its customers regarding the status of empty wagons availability, shipments, any wagons in our fleet and, soon, the GFR-issued invoices. At the same time, it provides flexible management of documents governing the operational business relationship (consignment notes, subsequent orders, circumstances preventing carriage, takeover–handover lists, etc.) and the issuing of various reports. It is undoubtedly a valuable system that greatly simplifies the efforts made to manage contractual relations. We are pleased that our OMV Petrom partners validated the results we have achieved so far, making the decision to replace the old system with this performing solution.”

GFR manages more than 7,000 transports each month and issues the same number of consignment notes, of which over 2,800 locally. Of the total monthly consignment notes, 40% are local notes generated by the GFR, 16% are international consignment notes generated by the GFR, and 44% are international consignment notes generated by other operators.

In the traditional version, the issuing of consignment notes involves substantial resources (12 pages printed for each shipment, manual filling of forms printed on atypical printers, which require higher costs than normal printers). Transferring these operations into a computer system greatly reduces the environmental impact, but also the risk of human errors and delays.

GFR is constantly allocating human and financial resources to innovation and technology projects, seeking to provide customers with an experience tailored to market demands through integrated and easy-to-use platforms.

The operator has developed and implemented so far 17 software applications. Ten other applications or modules are currently in different stages of development. Many of these solutions aim at simplifying and streamlining operational and commercial activities – IT solutions that model processes such as empty wagons orders, using electronic consignment notes, shipment monitoring, access to various nomenclatures, automated reporting, etc.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transshipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva    Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.


Bucharest, July 25, 2019 – GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român consolidates its financial team by recruiting George Dinu as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) with responsibilities at group level, currently spanning 10 European countries.

“I am glad to bring on board a professional with George’s experience, considering the complexity and financial rigor that a multinational company like GRAMPET requires,” says Gruia Stoica, President of the GRAMPET Group. “George has more than 20 years of experience, of which half with Big4 consulting companies. I trust that he takes over a well-prepared and talented team that he will help grow, while abiding by the same corporate governance standards and best practices that all our departments align to, in all the countries we are active in. ”

Throughout his career, George Dinu has assumed management roles at top multinational companies in the accounting, controlling, financial management, or financial consulting departments. He has worked on projects in Production, Retail, Distribution, Energy, Oil and Gas, Tire production, Real Estate and Pharmaceutical industries.

Over the past four years, he has been the CFO of a group with activities in the Energy industry, being responsible for the coordination of M&A projects, spin offs, treasury optimization, optimization of financial accounting and controlling activities, internal controls, budgeting and planning of financial resources, and profitability analysis.

He is an ACCA and CECCAR member.

“I am honored to be part of a management team that has proven over the years that developing a Romanian business at regional and international level may not only be possible but can also be a real success. I thus join this team with the confidence that I can bring an important contribution to achieving the current and future objectives of the GRAMPET Group,” says George Dinu.

As CFO, he will coordinate financial, accounting, tax, risk control, and planning and control activities within the group. His team includes around 80 financial and accounting specialists, auditors, risk management and internal control experts.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transshipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva    Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.


Bucharest, May 6, 2020 – As part of the efforts against the Coronavirus pandemic, the GRAMPET Group has started a national campaign donating a state-of-the-art testing device and 1,000 tests each to Public Health Directorates in centres where the group operates – Deva, Craiova, Iași, Constanța, Galați, Ploiești, Timișoara, Bucharest, and Debrecen – Hungary.

“At local level, our companies are important employers generating significant economic contributions. This position comes with great social responsibility towards local communities, especially in such difficult times,” Gruia Stoica, President of the GRAMPET Group, said. “We set out to contribute to the testing effort – a key factor in eradicating the pandemic, and we purchased ten eCL8000-Automated ECL Immunoassay Analyzers certified by the Chinese Ministry of Health, and several thousand test kits. These state-of-the-art devices now available in our country have a processing speed of 86 tests per hour and generate results in 18 minutes.”

The first devices were donated last week to the Public Health Directorates from Deva, Iasi and Craiova, together with 1,000 tests each. In the coming days, the campaign will continue in Constanța, Galați, Ploiești, Timișoara, Bucharest and Debrecen.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transshipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva    Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.


Bucharest, July 27, 2020 – Roserv Oil, a company of GRAMPET Group, has reached an agreement with Casa de Insolvență Transilvania (CITR) to take over the industrial platform of the RAFO Onești refinery, with an aim to develop the largest logistics centre in Moldova.

Roserv Oil is a newly-established company that will focus on the development of logistics terminals at national level, for both containers and warehouses for petroleum products.

In this context, the company has decided to buy the assets of bankrupt RAFO Onești, with an aim to develop the largest logistics centre for containers and petroleum products that will serve the region of Moldova. This activity is complementary to GRAMPET Group’s core business, rail freight transport.

The first phase of the project will generate more than 200 jobs. The company will soon start a valuation process of existing facilities.

The company aims to attract partners among producers of raw materials, and to put into operation several such facilities available on the premises. In the long run, the platform could generate at least 600 jobs.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva    Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.


Bucharest, June 24, 2020 – The prototype of the first train produced by Electroputere VFU Pașcani, part of the GRAMPET Group, undergoes the last stage of testing, this week.

The DMU (Diesel Multiple Unit) model has left the factory under its new appearance with traditional Romanian motifs from the national folk costume that, through their symbolism, represent the Romanian cultural heritage. The train will run these days on the railways in Moldova, also celebrating the National Day of Romanian Ia.

“The DMU train represents Electroputere VFU Pașcani’s debut on the new railway vehicle constructions segment,” says Gruia Stoica, President of GRAMPET Group, “and our choice for this visual identity aims to celebrate both the Romanian folk traditions and the tradition of the national railways industry, overall. Following its homologation, this model will be available for purchase in several countries in Europe and beyond, thus becoming a tool to promote the spirit and engineering craft in Romania.”


Launched at the end of 2014, the DMU train was designed and manufactured in accordance with the European Union’s railway standards, and can also be adapted to non-EU markets requirements. The prototype resulted from the work of more than 180 specialists from Electroputere VFU Pașcani.

The train is composed of both internally-produced parts and subassemblies, and also subassemblies from top manufacturers in Europe. It can reach a maximum speed of 120 km/ h and has a total capacity of 164 passengers in 1st Class (22) and 2nd Class (142) seats. Features include eco-friendly toilets, including units especially designed and equipped for people with locomotor disabilities or reduced mobility, air conditioning systems, Wi-Fi and power outlets, visual passenger information systems with screens indicating the destination, the next stop, times delay or other relevant information.


With a tradition of over 150 years, Electroputere VFU Pașcani is currently focused on high value-added activities, mainly the redesign, reconstruction and modernization of railway vehicles. Its portfolio consists of clients from Romania and abroad, more precisely Belgium and Gabon, for passenger cars and trams.

In 2019, the largest share of Electroputere VFU Pașcani’s activity was represented by the railway vehicle modernization segment (approximately 68%), followed by the railway vehicle maintenance segment (26%) and the assemblies and subassemblies segment (5%). The factory currently has around 650 employees and the capacity to expand its activity to almost 5,000 workers.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva    Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.


Bucharest, June 3, 2020 – GRAMPET Group continues the campaign launched in May and donates one of the 10 COVID-19 testing devices to a children’s hospital, respectively to the Victor Gomoiu Children’s Clinical Hospital in Bucharest, together with 1,000 testing kits.

The state-of-the-art eCL8000-Automated ECL Immunoassay Analyzer, which has a processing speed of 86 tests per hour and can generate results in 18 minutes, was installed and calibrated in the hospital laboratory this morning.

A similar donation reached the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Prof. Dr. Matei Balş a month ago.

“From the beginning of the medical crisis, we understood that mass testing was the only way we can control the spread of this virus, at least until we have a vaccine,” says Gruia Stoica, President of the GRAMPET Group. “We purchased 10 such devices certified by the Chinese Ministry of Health, along with 10,000 testing kits, which we began to distribute in the centres where we operate nationwide. This time, we turned our attention to a children’s hospital, as there are more and more signals at international level that this virus is not as harmless to children as it was initially thought, on the contrary.”

So far, the GRAMPET Group has donated an eCL8000-Automated ECL Immunoassay Analyzer and 1,000 testing kit each to the Public Health Directorates of Deva, Iași and Galați, to the County Emergency Clinical Hospitals from Craiova and Constanța, as well as to the Faculty of Medicine within the University of Debrecen – Hungary. Currently, the Group is considering which other areas in Romania need such a device most, in order to pursue with the next two donations.

At the same time, the GRAMPET Group has donated 9,000 protective masks to the National Museum of Art and the Bucharest Ambulance Service.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva    Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.


Bucharest, April 10, 2020 – Grup Feroviar Roman received the Single Safety Certificate from the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) allowing it to operate in two countries, namely Romania and Greece.

A single safety certificate is valid for a given area of operation, a network or networks within one or more Member States where the railway undertaking intends to operate.

According to the European agency, this certificate confirms acceptance of the railway undertaking’s safety management system, including the provisions adopted by the railway undertaking to meet specific requirements necessary for safe operation in Romania and Greece, in conformity with applicable legislation.

As a result, the Romanian operator will provide freight transport, including dangerous goods services on the whole Romanian railway network, and the following Greek routes respectively: Piraeus – Athens – Thessaloniki – Eidomeni, Oinoi – Chalkida, Palaiofarsalos – Kalampaka, Larisa – Volos, Thessaloniki – Palty- Eddessa – Amyntaio, Amyntaio – Florina, Amyntaio – K.P. 32+500 AmKZ, Thessaloniki – Strymonas – Alexandroupolis – Pythio – Dikaia – Ormenio – KP32+900 Borders, Strymonas – Promahonas, Airport El. Venizelos – Metamorfosi – SKA – Liosia – Korinthos – Kiato, Neo Ikonio – KP 25+286, Athens – Liosia, Athens – Metamorfosi.

“This validation represents a first for the European rail industry, being the first single safety certificate in the European Union granted for more than one country,” says Gruia Stoica, President of GRAMPET Group. “It is yet another proof that Grup Feroviar Roman is an international operator successfully complying with international industry standards and competing with other operators in the region.”

Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is the flagship company of GRAMPET Group and a leader among rail freight operators. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers. GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva    Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.


Bucharest, January 29, 2020 – GRAMPET Group consolidates its executive team by recruiting Mrs. Ileana Ștefan as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), with coordination responsibilities at group-level in 10 European countries.

“We start the new year with an important recruitment, adding to the management team yet another professional with experience in multinational organizations and the most advanced markets,” Gruia Stoica, President of GRAMPET Group says. “Ileana’s background consists of 18 years of international activity both in Europe and the United States, in the fields of HR and Legal, with experience in managing large, multijurisdictional teams, but also in merger or start-up projects. Our organizational culture has evolved greatly over the last 20 years and we are at a key moment today, with almost 6,400 employees in ten European countries and in the midst of a continuous process of expansion and integration. I trust Ileana to inspire and help the GRAMPET team grow, amplifying the strengths and potential of each employee, and challenging – where necessary – the process of change and reinvention.”

Throughout her 18 years of Executive HR & Legal experience with renowned multinational companies, Ileana Stefan has managed projects of change management, development, employer branding, new way of working, onboarding, mergers and start-ups, optimization and reorganization of processes and structures, implementation of systems and internal controls, budget and planning, and event organization.

As Executive Human Resources Director, she had direct coordination of departments such as Talent Acquisition, Talent Management, Payroll & Administration or Legal, being involved in people management, coaching, process & policy development and reorganization projects in industries such as retail, logistics, FMCG and technology.

For the past three years she has been part of the start-up team in the United States of one of the most renowned retailers worldwide. She also coordinated a project for the reorganization and alignment of a technology company in Germany.

“I am delighted to be welcomed into the GRAMPET family and I join this strong team with the desire to bring a new perspective and to use the knowledge and experience acquired in recent years to the benefit of the group, so that we can reach our goals. I am proud to join the team that has built the first Romanian-based multinational and to bring my knowledge as contribution throughout the next stages in its international expansion,” Ileana Ștefan says.

From her role as CHRO, she will coordinate the activities of Human Resources, Organization and Optimization of Processes and Structures at GRAMPET Group level, with the help of over 60 people in her team.

About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva    Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.


Bucharest, October 23, 2019 – GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român (GFR), GR Logistics & Terminals LLC (Georgia) and ASCO Logistic CJSC (Azerbaijan) signed in Tbilisi the Agreement establishing a Consortium that will operate regular shipping between the ports of Constanța and Batumi/ Poti.

The agreement represents another step by which the member companies of the Middle Corridor Association – the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route collaborate to intensify the flow of goods along this route.

In June, GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) and NMSC Kazmortransflot LLP, the National Sea Carrier of the Republic of Kazakhstan, signed a Memorandum of Partnership as part of the same project.

“One year after joining the Middle Corridor Association, we manage to activate the Batumi/ Poti – Constanța shipping route, which has a very important role for the freight transit from Asia to Europe – it is basically the last piece missing from the Middle Corridor chain,” Gruia Stoica, president of GRAMPET Group, said. “At the same time, the Tbilisi agreement brings us closer to our stated goal of launching the first rail freight transports between China and Western Europe that will transit Romania.”


Sorin Chinde, Vice President of the GRAMPET Group’s Transport Division, adds: “The lack of a direct naval connection between the Georgian ports and Constanta has so far been a major obstacle in attracting transports for Europe on this route. Alternative routes, which go through Istanbul or Piraeus, are non-competitive, because they have a transit time of 12 to 24 days. Once a permanent and regular connection between the ports of Georgia and Romania is launched, we can reduce this transit time by 5 days forth / 5 days back, so that the transit time between the Georgian ports and Constanta is reduced to 2 days”.

Under the Agreement, the consortium will operate a ship with a capacity of 144 TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) or 72 FEU (Forty-foot Equivalent Unit), which will carry shipments 3 times a month.

The management team of the Consortium will be formed by Gruia Stoica – GRAMPET Group President, Lasha Akhalbedashvili – Director of GR Logistics & Terminals LLC, and Azer Mammedov, General Manager of ASCO Logistic CJSC.

GR Logistics & Terminals, a subsidiary of JSC Georgian Railway founded in 2009, provides international freight services by rail and sea – container and wagon transport, maneuvering services, customs services, storage, etc. The company operates two container terminals in Poti and Tbilisi ports.

ASCO Logistic CJSC (the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Closed Joint-Stock Company) was established by merging the country’s two largest fleets – the Azerbaijan State Caspian Sea Shipping Company and the Caspian Sea ​​Oil Fleet of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic. The company provides offshore support, and also operates merchant fleets and two shipyards.

GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman is the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Central and South Eastern Europe, and the first European company to have joined the Middle Corridor – Trans Caspian International Transport Route, last September.

The partners intend to develop the Middle Corridor route, which is an important link between East Asia and Western Europe through the Caspian Sea, the Republic of Azerbaijan and Georgia, and to provide faster freight services using an alternative means of transport over the Black Sea.

About GRAMPET Group
Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.


REVA Simeria, part of the GRAMPET Group, celebrated 150 years of existence on Thursday when it presented the modern freight wagons it produces, including four prototypes. “The star” is the 4-axle tank car, Zacs type, with a total capacity of 85 cubic meters.



The year 2019 has a double significance. In addition to the anniversary of REVA Simeria, this year also marks 20 years since the establishment of GRAMPET Group – Romanian Railway Group.

“At that time, we had a single transport license and a very ambitious dream to one day link Europe with Asia, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. REVA Simeria was the second company that joined the Group through the privatization we won in 2001. It was a strategic decision and a personal bet that we can carry on the Romanian tradition in the rolling stock repair industry”said Gruia Soica, the president of the GRAMPET Group.

Currently, GRAMPET Group is the first multinational company with Romanian capital and the largest railway group and private logistics operator in Central and South-East Europe. “We are also the first European company to join the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, part of the New Silk Road. At the same time, at the age of 150, REVA Simeria became the symbol of tradition itself in the Romanian industry and an example of performance, being the first Romanian rolling stock repair company certified in several states of Europe. We are leaders for our partners who have been crediting us with confidence for over 20 years. We are champions because of our employees, to whom I thank for their dedication and perseverance with which they represent us every day. Together, we promote the Romanian spirit abroad and continue to write history in the railway transport industry”added Gruia Stoica

A turbulent history for REVA Simeria

The history of the rolling stock company from Simeria starts with the beginning of the works on the railway section Arad-Simeria-Alba Iulia when the authorities are looking for the most efficient location of the rolling stock repair workshops. The first option of the authorities was the county residence, Deva, but the local authorities categorically refused considering that a wagon repair shop and an industrial colony would affect the peace and cleanliness of the city.

Under such conditions, the railway manufacturers decided to place them on the empty land located on the outskirts of the villages Saulești and Simeria Veche. Between 1867-1868 the Railway station, The Locomotive Depot, The Railway Station Warehouse and the street Colonia de Jos (present-day Aurel Vlaicu street) were built. Also in 1868, the construction of the Simeria locomotives and wagons repair hall. Although the construction was completed in 1870, we can consider that the “ground zero” of the workshops is the year 1869 when the repair works of rolling stock begin with just 20 workers.

After 130 years, while it was part of the patrimony of two different states, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Romania and it “survived” both world wars, SC REVA SA joins the Grampet Group, which after a public auction comes to hold 89,56% of the company’s shares. Starting with only 20 employees, the company has reached 578 employees at the moment, and our clients are large owners of railway parks in Romania, France and Germany.

Wagons manufactured at REVA Simeria

The main activity of REVA SA is the revision and repair of freight wagons, but to keep up with the demands of the markets on which it operates, the branch of modernization and construction of rolling stock has been developed. Here are some examples of construction and modernization of wagons made at Simeria:

  • The 4-axle tank wagon, Zacs type, with a total capacity of 85 mc, is intended for rail transport of light petroleum products, class 3 RID (gasoline, diesel, mineral oil), as well as other products corresponding to tank code L4 BH. The wagon has a maximum speed of movement of 120 km/hour (empty) and 100 km/hour loaded, a maximum axle load of 20 tons and is approved for international traffic;
  • The 60 m3 cistern wagon, equipped with heating installation, for which the thermal insulation was executed to limit heat loss during transport
  • The Laadffoos wagon for vehicle transport, constructed through the modification and modernization of the wagon pair type TD 452 into the wagon pair type TDT 852 on 8 axles. The modernization of this couple of wagons consists of equipping them with sliding side walls made of tarpaulin and with a fixed roof;
  • Eaos series wagon, made by constructing a wagon with new chassis and new body and equipping with other reused components, all brought to the initial parameters of operation;
  • The modification of wagon series Faccpps in a Uapps series wagon. This was achieved by transforming and reinforcing the chassis, modifying the unloading system, modifying and strengthening the body to have a greater capacity, manufacturing and installing the roof and the systems for loading and installing new accessories;
  • The school car consists of two parts: a tank for liquid products and one for liquefied gas. On each side are mounted the safety equipment specific to the transported products; The wagon is used to carry out practical exercises for handling the equipment and to familiarize the students with them.

With a fleet counting thousands of wagons and locomotives, Amedeo Neculcea, deputy general manager of the Romanian Railway Group (GFR), the largest private railway operator in Romania, speaks in an interview with about the technological progress of local industry, but also about its limitation caused by the existing infrastructure. What are the most important advances made globally for the computerization and automation of locomotives? What is the situation in Romania?
Amedeo Neculcea: The computerization of locomotives has expanded in three areas of interest.
First of all, we are talking about ensuring a safe transit together with the other trains in motion. This involves the integration of an optimized interface for communicating circulation orders for railway infrastructure by providing access to traffic signals inside the locomotive, the continuous control and the automatic regulation of the train speed (through ERTMS or similar systems).

Without such complex computer systems located in both areas of responsibility (infrastructure and locomotives), we can’t think about an increase in speed above 160 km/h.

Regarding this type of equipment, we did not take any action, because neither CFR SA took steps in this regard, and the low speed of freight trains does not justify such investments.

Secondly, we talk about parameter control. At present, through our electronic systems, we have permanent and real-time control over the position and speed of the locomotive (TRAKER PROF), diesel consumption (DMCC), electricity consumption (CEL), data transmission being ensured with a mobile electronic device – TMD. All the equipment in its final form is designed in Romania, most at The Institute for Computers (a member of Grampet Group).

To control the wagon fleet, this monster with thousands of continuously changing heads, with only a pencil and paper is not a path to follow.”

Last but not least, we must refer to the optimization of engine performance. In the case of newly motorized locomotives, the level of computerization increases substantially. In the last 15 years, all the locomotive engines are built having an electronic control module (ECM) that controls the fuel injection and monitors all the sensors located on the engine (for pressure, temperature, consumption, etc.). It diagnoses the engine status and communicates on an on-board display of operating errors, malfunctions, also acting to adapt the engine’s operation to the problems that might arise. To date, GFR has engineered, according to a concept of our specialized engineers, 19 hydraulic diesel locomotives.

WS: What does the development of digitization solutions mean for the Grampet Group – Romanian Railway Group?
Amedeo Neculcea: It’s been 15 years since GFR started developing the first computer application for managing and mastering a constantly growing and constantly moving wagon fleet, both in the country and across borders.

To control the wagon fleet, this monster with thousands of continuously changing heads, with only a pencil and paper was a path already known by our exploitation engineers, but not the path to follow.

There was no strategy for invention and innovation, but only professional value, spontaneity and intelligent support of all good ideas.”

The application was a success and was followed by 16 other applications (already implemented) and another 10 in development.

Although paradoxical, there was no dedicated team for designing computer applications, and the situation is explained as follows:

  • new ideas and applications projects were usually generated by operating engineers, with solid experience and knowledge in the field, who most often had manager status in the company.
  • the particularities of the transport activity make it impossible to be stored or perfectly controlled. The transport service is delivered simultaneously with its production and it requires an essential organizational effort, therefore intelligent information management is vital. Thus, the “space” with the potential for digitization was a huge one. All the good ideas came to life and developed one by one in the form of expanding computer products until 4-5 years ago when the need for their interconnection was naturally spotted.

Therefore, there was no strategy for invention and innovation, but only professional value, spontaneity and intelligent support of all good ideas.

On the other hand, once The Institute for Computers entered the Grampet Group, it catalysed the digitization process of the GFR by implementing most of the projects proposed by our specialists.

It should be mentioned that in the last years we worked with a project manager who deals with the interface between GFR and ITC. He’s involved and useful in harmonizing this relationship and also dedicated to ERP implementation in the areas of Financial, Accounting and Stock Management.

Also, the IT Department of the GFR provided all the necessary hardware architecture for the smooth functioning of the computer applications (servers, networks, terminals, computer security systems, etc.).

WS: What IT solutions have GFR implemented so far within the company and for its partners?
Amedeo Neculcea: There is a category of “classical” IT solutions, integrated in an ERP system that solves the problems of the Financial and Accounting departments, but which requires a big customization effort, resulting once from the particularities of the field of activity, and secondly from our goal of using a single integrated ERP system for the whole Grampet Group.

Another category of computer applications is those that simplify the internal processes of the company (monitoring of wagons on sections, stations and industrial lines, locomotive monitoring, ordering train service personnel, train scheduling, transportation cost
pre-calculation, document management, etc.).

The third category of applications aims for a transparentsimplified and automated informational relationship between GFR with its clients and already has verified and proven effects in improving the comfort of the beneficiaries of our services. These computer products manage processes such as empty wagons management, using consignment notes in electronic format, monitoring shipments, accessing various nomenclatures, providing automatic reports, etc.

All European countries have developed their own information systems and therefore, at present, one of the main challenges at the continent level is the interoperability of these systems and the development of new ones.”

 The digitization of the relationship with our beneficiaries is first and foremost a categorical and indisputable expression of our orientation towards the client. We always try to pleasantly surprise them.
Digitalization also simplifies our and our clients’ efforts to fulfil the legal and contractual obligations without any derogation from the established quality standards.

WS: What projects are currently being developed and which projects will be launched in the future?
Amedeo Neculcea: Currently, we are running 10 IT projects consisting of new modules of existing applications or in some autonomous systems for simplifying the operational activity of the itinerant categories of employees (mechanics, train managers, technical review personnel), developing international electronic consignment note (CIM), interconnection of current applications and implementation of artificial intelligence elements.


WS: What does digitization mean for the rail transport industry in Romania? Where are we now and what are the most important challenges?
Amedeo Neculcea: Rail transport involves moving to a network where access is most regulated. In addition, the low level of freedom that rail vehicles enjoy in their movement (compared to water, air or even road transport) makes the railway field the one with the greatest potential from the perspective of digitization.
In Romania, the beginnings of computerization are closely related to the railway field. In the 1970s the first computer applications for the railways appeared with the automation being already present long before that. Unfortunately, all European countries have developed their own computer systems and that is why, nowadays, one of the great challenges, not only of the European rail system but also for UE is the interoperability of these systems and the construction of new ones according to certain standards.
In 2010 the European Railway Agency received a mandate to revise the technical specifications for interoperability (“TSI”) regarding the subsystem “telematics applications for freight transport” (“ATTM”), and in 2015 the EU regulation entered into force with regarding the ATTM subsystem, which covers parameters such as network collaboration and communication, transfer reports, data on consignment notes, train traffic forecast, information on service interruption, etc.

Thus, it is possible to speak of a huge field of action in the field of digitalization, and its new sub-domain, artificial intelligence offers opportunities not yet explored.
For all these possibilities to not be just mere fantasies, the specialists of several fields must coagulate their ideas in realistic projects, which to become reality need to involve minimum costs and major benefits in terms of optimizing flows, facilitating decisions, facilitating communication and good work ethics.


Emerging Europe Awards: GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman, Regional Champion of the Year 2019

The international recognition coincides with the 20th anniversary of the Romanian-based first multinational

Bucharest, July 1, 2019 – GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman was named Regional Champion of the Year at the Emerging Europe Awards at the end of last week, at a ceremony organized at the London headquarters of EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development).

This year, Emerging Europe Awards attracted nominees from 23 emerging countries – Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine.

“I am proud to bring this award to Bucharest, on the 20th anniversary of the GRAMPET Group,” president and founder Gruia Stoica said. “We have competed in the Regional Champion of the Year category against some of the strongest regional companies. I am convinced that the jury has had a difficult task.”

The jury appointed by Emerging Europe has this year included internationally renowned professionals and industry-recognized experts, including Big4 consulting firms, investment funds, financial and research institutions, real estate and technology companies, professional organizations and chambers of trade, and government representatives.

“The final decision of the jury recognized the efforts by which we have built the first Romanian multinational and the largest private freight and logistics operator in Emerging Europe. Success is no accident. It comes with tenacity, hard work, learning from mistakes and getting back on your feet when you get knocked down. We have, including myself, experienced all of the above but this award obliges us to continue our journey moving forward. It is yet another proof that Romania has an enormous entrepreneurial potential and I hope that we have proven our children that it is possible.”

GRAMPET Group is present in 10 European countries and considers expanding to seven other markets (map attached). It is the first European company to have joined the Middle Corridor – Trans Caspian International Transport Route, assuming a firm commitment to this strategic alliance that creates a new route between China and the European Union.

This year’s Emerging Europe Awards have been supported, among others, by PwC – Strategic Partner, GE Power – Partner Landmark, and EBRD – Institutional Partner. The award ceremony was presented by Kasia Madera, BBC World News presenter. Samuel Burke, Business & Technology Correspondent – CNN Business, moderated the panel dedicated to fostering emerging Europe’s innovative and sustainable growth through joint public-private efforts.

The event attracted high-profile participants from all Emerging Europe countries – representatives of the business environment, notably from the nominated companies, officials from international financial institutions, as well as officials from the political and diplomatic environment. It is worth mentioning the participation of personalities such as Kristalina Georgieva, World Bank CEO, and Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece. Details and the winners list are available in the post-event release.

About Emerging Europe Awards

The Emerging Europe Leaders’ Meeting & Awards is an initiative dedicated to the most dynamic companies of the emerging Europe region. The Awards categories take into account the key elements of Raising Awareness, Social Development and Economic Growth.

There are 16 awards categories in total, of which 12 are chosen by a jury of high-level international professionals who know the category in question very well. Two awards are chosen by the Emerging Europe Council and two are chosen using Emerging Europe’s research.

This year’s edition saw a total of 949 applications representing all 23 countries of emerging Europe. A number of 120 companies and organisations, spread across 12 categories, have been officially nominated for the Emerging Europe Awards.

The GRAMPET Group competed with nine other finalists in the Regional Champion of the Year category (open category to companies that have consolidated their operations and / or have expanded into emerging countries organically or through acquisitions).

The conference and Awards Gala took place in London, on June 27-28. The agenda included meetings and presentation sessions at the EBRD Headquarters, as well as a reception cocktail at the House of Commons, Palace of Westminster. Other details here.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Southeast Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors that connect Europe to Asia.

Its flagship company Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) is one of the main rail freight operators in Romania and Southeast Europe. Currently, over 20% of traffic is international, with GFR offering complex logistic solutions to rail sector customers.

GFR is a member of all representative international organizations and has cooperation agreements with both state railway operators (BDZ Cargo, UZ, CFM, PKP Cargo, ZK, RCH, HZ Cargo, ZBIH) and private railway operators from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for an important share of the Romanian rolling stock repairing market

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience. In 2017, GFR launched the E-CLIENT GFR portal, a first for Romania and Southeast Europe, which facilitates the management of the traditional carrier – customer-company relationship, from posting of orders to service invoicing, while going through essential stages such as ordering empty wagons, drafting transport contracts, providing unhindered access to process information, intelligent alert systems for decision-makers, and automated reporting.


GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român and NMSC Kazmortransflot LLP sign Memorandum of Partnership

The two members of Middle Corridor aim at opening a new connection between Constanta and Batumi ports

Munich, June 6, 2019 – GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR) and NMSC Kazmortransflot LLP have signed a Memorandum of Partnership during the Transport Logistics 2019 event in Munich, with an aim to open a regular connection between the Constanta and Batumi Ports.

The agreement between the two members of Middle Corridor – Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) stands in line with the Association’s objective to enhance cooperation and increase the flow of goods along the Route.

From left to right –  Rakhmetolla Kudaibergenov, Secretar General, Middle Corridor; Sorin Chinde, Vice Presedinte GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman; Leila Batyrbekova, Secretar General Adjunct, Middle Corridor; Nurtas Shmanov, Senior Vice-President of JSC NC “KazMunayGas” Oil Transportation; Martin Voetmann, Manager Commercial issues Portul Aktau.

NMSC Kazmortransflot LLP, the National Sea Carrier of the Republic of Kazakhstan, owns the largest and most modern fleet in the Caspian Sea – tanker, tugboats, as well as vessels for transportation of bulky cargo and barges for various purposes.

GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman is the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and Central and South Eastern Europe, and the first European company to have joined the Middle Corridor – Trans Caspian International Transport Route, last September.

“The agreement signed today confirms our strong commitment to this strategic alliance that creates a new route between China and the European Union”, said Gruia Stoica, President of GRAMPET Group. “As we celebrate 20 years of pioneering and performance in rail freight & logistics in South Eastern Europe, we continue our network development on the European market, while pursuing new opportunities with our Asian partners.”


Sorin Chinde, Vice President of the Transports division, added: “There are many synergies and opportunities between the two ports, considering their strategic location on the route of major transport infrastructure projects, as well as the development potential for the long term”.

The Batumi Port has a capacity of 18 million tons per year, 5 terminals and 11 berths. Investments in the port’s development amounted to USD 48 million over the past 10 years.

Constantza Port has a handling capacity of over 100 million tons per year and 156 berths, while investments have hit record highs in recent years and new projects worth a total EUR 1 billion have been announced recently.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors which connect Europe and Asia.

The Group is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.


Grampet Group – Grup Feroviar Român is the first European company to join the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route

This participation will lead to the development of intermodal traffic in Romania and neighbouring countries

Constanta, September 10, 2018 – Grampet Group, the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and in Central and South Eastern Europe, joins the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) Association, an initiative of Chinese, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan governments for the development of a new Asia – Europe multimodal transports corridor.

“We are honored to join this partnership that brings us closer to a strategic objective we have set 20 years ago – connecting the North Sea and the East China Sea by rail,” said Gruia Stoica, President of Grampet Group. “At that time, we were an entrepreneurial company in a small country, at the borders of two continents. Today we are one of the European industry leaders and the first European society to become a member of this strategic alliance.”

The operators from Grampet Group own and manage a park of approximately 20,000 wagons and 400 locomotives. Theose operators have an annual volume transport of approximately 22 million tonnes in commodities, 20% of it at the European level.

The company officials estimate that joining the Trans-Caspian Route will stimulate the development of intermodal traffic in Romania, as well as in neighboring countries.

“Grampet Group admission to TITR finalizes the construction of a new route China – the European Union. Basically, we are opening five countries from the community (Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Austria) in this corridor, through the rail operators in our group. It is a confirmation of the fact that Romania too has private capital companies capable of participating in international complex projects,” Sorin Chinde, general manager of Grup Feroviar Român, underlined.

Gruia Stoica added: “This alliance may transform Romania into a logistics platform for Europe and Asia, generating around 100,000 new jobs and over one billion Euro in state budget contributions.”

Grampet Group joining TITR was announced during an event organized by the National Company “Maritime Ports Administration” S.A. Constantza (NC MPA) and the „Middle Corridor – Trans-Caspian International Transport Route”, an event attended by some of the most relevant representatives of the transports industry in Romania, and members and partners of the „Middle Corridor – Trans-Caspian International Transport Route” Association, including companies from China, Kazahstan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route spans a total of 9,500 kilometers, out of which 860 kilometers across the Romanian territory (Rail corridor IV, Constanta Port – Curtici). An initiative of Chinese, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijani governments, the project aims for the development of multimodal transports corridor connecting China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, and Europe. The main objective of the association is a simplification of administrative formalities by ensuring a competitive enviroment and providing support to companies in different countries by developing their business across the Trans-Caspian Corridor. Other details here.


About Grampet Group

Established almost 20 years ago, Grampet is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and in Central and South Eastern Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, Grampet Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors which connect Europe and Asia.

Its flagship company – Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR), is the biggest private railway transport operator in Romania, with a total market share of approximately 30%, and a strategic position in key industries such as Oil & Gas, Constructions or Agribusiness. Also, 20% of the GFR transports activities are international. The operator has agreements with sister-companies in the group, as well as with state-owned and private rail operators in Hungary, Bulgaria, Moldova Republic, Serbia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Poland, Austria, Germany, and Greece.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for 100% of the rolling stock repair market in Romania.

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience of services. In this respect, Grampet Group launched its e-client portal last year – a first in Romania, which is a tool for client relationship management throughout the entire process, from posting of orders to billing.

Further details are available on the official webpage –, and the LinkedIn page –


The Grampet Group becomes majority shareholder of Polisano Pharmaceuticals, with 74%

The strategic objective is the leading position in the oncology production market in Central and South Eastern Europe

Bucharest, September 17, 2018 – The Grampet Group, the largest railway group and private logistic operator in Romania and Southeastern Europe, has increased its stake in Polisano Pharmaceuticals in Sibiu from 20% to 74%.

“The investment comes after two consecutive acquisitions of minority holdings over the past year, following which we have better understood the needs and development potential of this plant. We thus got the confirmation that our initial decision to take over one of the best known brands in the Romanian pharmacy industry and lead it to the next level of development was a correct one,” says Gruia Stoica, President of the Grampet Group. “We have already allocated significant resources to expand, because our aim is taking Polisano Pharmaceuticals to the leader position in Central and South Eastern Europe for cancer treatment medicines production.”

He continued: “We are preparing to launch the first line of solid oncology drug production in the first half of next year, following an investment of 25 million euros, for a capacity of about 10 million therapeutic units annually. At the same time, by the end of 2019, preparations will be completed for production of injectable liquid oncology lines existing in the factory in Sibiu.”

About 30% of Polisano Pharmaceuticals’ production will go on the domestic market, with the remainder being exported to the 35 markets Polisano is already working on, as well as new markets as the company expands its partnerships.

The structure of the new shareholders is 74% Grampet Group, the remaining 26% being held by the Muntean family and lawyer Remus Borza.

The management team remains unchanged, benefiting from the confidence of shareholders that they have the ability and know-how to meet their established business goals.

“We are currently working with over 100 physicians and pharmacists and constantly investing in innovation, looking for the most modern, diverse and affordable pharmaceutical formulas. We trust that the new shareholders structure supports Polisano’s mission to improve the lives of as many people as possible. At the same time, we hope to make a significant contribution to mitigating the oncology crisis on the Romanian market, which patients feel increasingly acute in recent years,” says Roxana Manole, CEO of Polisano Pharmaceuticals.

The factory in Sibiu has 160 employees and an area of ​​33,000 square meters, being equipped with state-of-the-art manufacturing lines. Currently it has a production capacity equivalent to over 500 million therapeutic units and produces over 50 own brands of dietary supplements and OTCs distributed in 35 countries.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and in Central and South Eastern Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors which connect Europe and Asia.

Its flagship company – Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR), is the biggest private railway transport operator in Romania, with a total market share of approximately 30%, and a strategic position in key industries such as Oil & Gas, Constructions or Agribusiness. Also, 20% of the GFR transports activities are international. The operator has agreements with sister-companies in the group, as well as with state-owned and private rail operators in Hungary, Bulgaria, Moldova Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, and Greece.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for 100% of the rolling stock repair market in Romania.

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience of services. In this respect, GRAMPET Group launched its e-client portal last year – a first in Romania, which is a tool for client relationship management throughout the entire process, from posting of orders to billing.

Further details are available on the official webpage –


GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român, the first Romanian-based multinational, operates strategic changes of its management team

The new leadership structure includes 4 Vice Presidents in charge with the group’s main business areas

Bucharest, December 5, 2018 – GRAMPET Group, the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and in Central and South Eastern Europe, and the first Romanian-based multinational, announces strategic changes in its management structure, in view of ambitious expansion plans at an international level.

As such, Sorin Chinde becomes Vice President position of the Transports division.

Sorin Chinde – with 13 years of seniority in GRAMPET Group – will coordinate all freight rail operators and the Group’s international development. A graduate of the Faculty of Transports at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, Sorin Chinde has worked in this industry for the past 30 years, in both the state and private rail sectors. In 2005, he became the General Manager of Grup Feroviar Român, the largest private rail operator in Romania, with almost 2,800 employees and a 158.55 million Euro turnover in 2017, higher than the previous year.

Tomoni Vizante becomes Vice President of the Freight Rolling Stock division.

Tomoni Vizante has 19 years of experience in GRAMPET Group, more than half of its entire 34 years of industry experience. He started his career as an engineer at REVA Simeria. After the company’s privatization and takeover by GRAMPET Group, he became General Manager (1999 – 2006). He was later promoted to an Executive Director position within SC GRAMPET SA. Starting 2007, he is the President of OPREMAR – The Rolling Stock Repairs Employers’ Organization. He graduated the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering with the Traian Vuia Politechnica University of Timisoara.

Grațian Călin becomes Vice President of the Passengers Rolling Stock division.

Grațian Călin, with 9 years of experience in GRAMPET Group, joined in 2011 and took over the position of President of RELOC SA and General Manager of the TRAIN Hungary operator. He has more than 22 years of management experience in the rail industry. He graduated the Politehnica University of Bucharest with a degree in Rail Transports, has an MBA in Railway Management, and a Ph.D. at the Politehnica University in Timisoara, the Electronics Engineering Faculty.

Belgin Bactali becomes Vice President of the Financial division.

Her seniority in the Group exceeding 14 years, Belgin Bactali has graduated the Academy of Economic Studies – the Banking & Finance Faculty. Her career at GRAMPET Group started in 2004, as economist. In 2008, she became CFO of the Rolling Stock Company. Four years later, she took over the same position at Grup Feroviar Român, and starting 2016 she is the Director of the Financial Division of GRAMPET Group. She is a member of the GRAMPET Debrecen Supervisory Board and of the GRAMPET Foundation Board of Directors. She been an ACCA member since 2015.

Following more than 16 years of experience in the Group, Cristian Rădulescu takes over the General Manager position of flag ship company Grup Feroviar Român. He joined the team in 2002 as Head of the Brazi Subsidiary of Grup Feroviar Român. Starting 2005 he became General Manager of Trans Expedition Feroviar, and in 2018 – Deputy General Manager of Grupul Feroviar Român. He has a bachelor’s degree in financial accounting and administrative management and a master’s degree in the Management of Economic, Touristic and Administrative Systems.

At the same time, Amedeo Neculcea becomes Deputy General Manager of Grup Feroviar Român. He has 13 years of Group experience and 22 years in the railway transports and logistics industry. He joined the GRAMPET team in 2005, as Head of the Commercial – Marketing department at Grup Feroviar Român. He became Commercial Director in 2008. During 2012 – 2015 he was the Deputy Director and, eventually, the General Manager of GRAMPET Logistics. Starting January 2016, he is special advisor for rail projects developments at Grup Feroviar Român. A graduate of the Faculty of Transports, the Transports Techniques section with the Politechnica University of Bucharest, he has a master’s degree in Transports Logistics (the Faculty of Transports) and a Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences – Transports Engineering. He is also an important contributor to the scientific literature in the field, while also having major contributions to the development of several IT railway-dedicated applications.

“The hardest thing to do for a market leader is to remain on top. To do this, one needs the best people in charge,” said Gruia Stoica, Chairman of GRAMPET Group.

“We are entering a new stage of development in 2019, a year marking GRAMPET Group’s 20-year anniversary. I am confident that the management team we announce today is talented, well-prepared and knows very well what to do. Their competence, perseverance and management abilities have brought GRAMPET Group into the leadership position it holds today”.

A few months ago, GRAMPET Group became the first European company to join the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) Association. The project launched by the Chinese, Kazakh and Azerbaijani governments has set an objective for the development of a new Asia – Europe multimodal transports corridor, thus placing Romania on the New Silk Road – the largest infrastructure project in recent history.

“It’s a giant step for the Group, but also for Romania, as it confirms the country’s strategic position on the European transportation system,” Sorin Chinde underlines. “We are honoured that our efforts over the past 20 years have been acknowledge through this opportunity. We are bound by ambitious engagements to our partners, for the following years. At the same time, we have plans to expand to seven new countries. As such, our vision, management decisions and next steps become essential and I am honoured to take over part of this responsibility.”

The GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Român is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

Its rail operators – GRUP FEROVIAR ROMÂN, EURORAIL LOGISTCS doo Serbia, GRAMPET CARGO AUSTRIA, TRAIN HUNGARY, TRAIN HUNGARY CROATIA, BULGARIAN RAILWAY COMPANY – provide complex logistics solutions managing a park of 20,000 wagons and 400 locomotives. The group reports a volume transport of approximately 22 million tonnes in commodities per year.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Paşcani, Reloc Craiova and Electroputere VFU Craiova, account for 100% of the rolling stock repair market in Romania. Also, the group owns GRAMPET Debrecen Vagongyár -Hungary, which specializes in freight wagon repair and manufacture. The company is also the domestic market leader for the repairs of wagons for gas transport, and one of the leading plants in Europe.

The GRAMPET Group has approximately 7,100 employees in total.

The Vice President mandates will be effective starting January 1, 2019.


About GRAMPET Group

Established almost 20 years ago, GRAMPET is today the largest private rail freight and logistics operator in Romania and in Central and South Eastern Europe. Its 16-company structure is strategically designed to span the entire chain of rail transport solutions and products, thus offering clients an integrated experience at the highest level of competence: freight railway transport, building, repairs and upgrading of rolling stock, spare parts production, lease of rolling stock, freight transhipment, logistic services, as well as innovative IT solutions for railway operators.

With a declared objective to connect the Atlantic Ocean through the North Sea, to the Pacific, through the South China Sea, GRAMPET Group is one of the main drivers for the development of transport corridors which connect Europe and Asia.

Its flagship company – Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR), is the biggest private railway transport operator in Romania, with a total market share of approximately 30%, and a strategic position in key industries such as Oil & Gas, Constructions or Agribusiness. Also, 20% of the GFR transports activities are international. The operator has agreements with sister-companies in the group, as well as with state-owned and private rail operators in Hungary, Bulgaria, Moldova Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, and Greece.

The Group’s companies Reva Simeria, Electroputere VFU Pascani, Reloc Craiova, and Electroputere VFU Craiova account for 100% of the rolling stock repair market in Romania.

In parallel, the group has an intense research and development activity, aimed at developing technical solutions that provide clients with a transparent and real-time experience of services. In this respect, GRAMPET Group launched its e-client portal last year – a first in Romania, which is a tool for client relationship management throughout the entire process, from posting of orders to billing.

Further details are available on the official webpage –
